
Necessiteu Vés a l’inici de sessió o Registrar per fer una tramesa.

Llista de verificació per preparar trameses

Com a part del procés de la tramesa, els autors/ores han de verificar que compleixen totes les condicions següents. En cas que no se segueixin aquestes instruccions, les trameses es podran retornar als autors/ores.
  • La tramesa no s'ha publicat anteriorment ni s'ha presentat abans a cap altra revista (o s'ha enviat una explicació a «Comentaris per a l'editor/a»).
  • El fitxer de la tramesa està en format de document de l'OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF o WordPerfect.
  • Sempre que ha estat possible s'han proporcionat els URL per a les referències.
  • El text utilitza un espaiat senzill, lletra de mida 12 i en cursiva, més que no pas subratllat, excepte a les adreces URL. Pel que fa a totes les il·lustracions, figures i taules, es col·loquen al lloc corresponent del text i no al final.
  • El text compleix els requisits estilístics i bibliogràfics descrits a les instruccions de l'autor/a a Indicacions de l’autor/a, que es troben a «Sobre la revista».

Directrius per a l’autor/a

Periphērica follows the MLA Handbook, 8th edition, 2016.

Visit for all questions regarding the formatting of your sources.

MLA favors in-text citation versus extensive notes. Periphērica discourages authors from the practice of a parallel essay in the endnotes (we do not use footnotes). Endnotes shall only be used for key contextual, textual, or other philological precisions which would distract from the flow of the reading. At no point will authors engage in a parallel discussion or elaboration of their ideas in the endnotes, but will seek to integrate any of that necessary discussion within the body of the text. All bibliographical references will be given in the text as per MLA guidelines.

Periphērica favors legibility and fosters an open access academic culture. When revising your article follow these general principles: short, clear sentences instead of lengthy, obscure wording; in-text detailed quotations rather than lengthy block quotes whenever possible; clearly defined and identifiable concepts with references to the theoretical and historical framework from which they derive.

Paragraphs and paragraph divisions should observe a thematic consistency. The argument of the paper should be clearly defined within the first two pages of the essay.

The bibliography will be located at the end of the document under the subtitle "Works Cited" (Obras citadas for papers in Spanish).

Authors submitting to a specific future issue or other specific "section" of the journal will select it from the drop-down menu along the submission process (i.e. Cine Lit; Cuba Transatlántica; etc).


  • articles will have a minimum of 7,500 words and a maximum of 10,000 words, including the "works cited" section. Exceptions are possible in consultation with our editorial team.
  • book reviews and notes will have a minimum of 1,000 words and a maximum of 4,000 words.
  • interviews will vary but will have a minimum of 4,000 words and maximum of 8,000 words.

Headers and Footers should be cleared of page numbers, or author names. The text should aim for full anonymity to allow for the integrity of blind peer reviews. Set the margins of your document to 1 inch on all sides and make sure "US Letter 8.5"x11"" is chosen as the size for your document.

Avoid double spaces (two strikes of the bar) between words, after punctuation, and elsewhere in the document, and do not use tabulation in the text. Instead, use 0.5 inch indent in your ruler for all paragraphs except block quotations which should be fully indented at 1 inch from the left margin.

Use left alignment for the whole document.

For all other questions, authors should carefully adhere to our Submission Preparation Checklist.

Declaració de privacitat

Els noms i les adreces de correu electrònic que hi ha al lloc web de la revista només s'utilitzaran per als usos indicats en aquesta revista i no estaran disponibles per cap altre ús ni per terceres parts.