Volume 26 Issue 1 Introduction | From the Guest Editor


  • Karen Clay Eastern Oregon University Library




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I embarked upon this project because I was curious about how special collections could help forge strong communities, as well as how these community impacts could be effectively communicated and demonstrated. The plethora of articles received has taught me a lot.

What stood out the most for me when I read the submissions was the huge variety of communities served by special collections in Oregon. To help me take in all the different types of collections out there, I’ve binned them into broad (and sometimes overlapping) categories.

  • Described by Nancy Hoover, the Center for Volga German Studies is a good example of a collection that serves a scholarly community.
  • Other collections serve enthusiastic hobbyists.
  • Many collections serve to help preserve the history, heritage or contributions of particular communities.
  • There are some notable collections described in this issue that branch out to address unique community needs.


Author Biography

Karen Clay, Eastern Oregon University Library

Karen grew up in Canada, where she obtained a Mas- ters degree in Engineering, followed immediately by an MLIS. Her first positions as a Librarian were at the International Institute for Sustainable Development and at Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. She has been the Library Director at Eastern Oregon University since July 2006. The EOU Library was extensively renovated in 2012, and ever since Karen has been hoping for an opportunity to organize and showcase the Library’s special collections. Learning about the breadth of special collections covered in this issue has given Karen the inspiration to apply for grant funding to work with EOU’s special collections and uncover whatever gems are hidden there.




How to Cite

Clay, K. (2020). Volume 26 Issue 1 Introduction | From the Guest Editor. OLA Quarterly, 26(1), 3–4. https://doi.org/10.5399/osu/1093-7374.26.01.02